Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weather Overview and Fronts assignments

February 1 – 4th, 2011                  6th Science Assignment:

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1.                            Take notes on the slides called “Weather Overview.”
2.                           For the four kinds of fronts, do the following for EACH:
a.                           draw the same sketch onto a regular piece of printing/copying paper. Use the entire sheet of paper; draw large!
b.                           copy the notes onto the sketch as they are posted.
c.                            color fronts, air masses, and front symbols (the triangles and half-circles)
                                                                                             i.         cool: blue
                                                                                          ii.         warm: red
                                                                                       iii.         clouds: gray

You should have four papers when you are done: one for each type of front.

Make sure your name is on each paper.

Due: Friday, February 11, 2011

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